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  Rediff Shopping > Diwali Gifts > Dryfruits


Wide Collection Of Dryfruit Gift Hampers - Send Dry Druits to Anywhere In India - Rediff Shopping

The tradition of exchanging gifts with friends and relatives sometimes becomes really confusing, as you want to gift them something useful and memorable. Well here we are at Rediff Shopping we bring you lots of Diwali Dry Fruits Hampers that will make your friends and family healthy as well as happy.

We offer a wide array of flavoursome dry fruits in attractive gift packs. These include diverse dry fruits comprising cashews, raisins, nuts, chestnuts, almonds and several others. What's more? They are available on our website at exciting prices. Not only within the country, but we also help people settled abroad to send these delicious Diwali gifts to their family and friends in India. So, even if you are away from your family and sitting in some other country, don't get disheartened and send dry fruit gift hampers to India at great ease on the special occasion of Diwali. Apart from this we also have Dryfruit Sweets, Halwas, Laddoos, Sugar Free sweets, Blue Diamond Almonds and more. >
Our gift hampers are available in several shapes and sizes, also in diverse beautiful packing representing the festivity. In addition, we also have many marvelous deals and offers for you. Stylish designer gift packs: Don't just send across appetizing dry fruit boxes to your relatives or friends, but this time with shopping.rediff.com send it in style. We have almost all kinds of dry fruits, wrapped up in fancy covers that help you create a good impression on your friends. The numerous colours, prints and designs are surely going to put a wide smile on the face of the recipients. You can pick anything like a dry fruit box of 10 items, dry fruit box, Red-Yellow dry fruit box, Pink circular dry fruit box, Diwali special long dry fruit box, golden designer Badaam box and much more. Moreover, you can also enjoy the benefit of offers like Cash on Delivery and special discounts on some selected items.>

A luxurious affair: silver plated bowl sets: This is one of the most popular gift packs to be sent to your special friends along with dry fruits. The set includes a tray, two silver plated bowls, and two spoons that make it a perfect multi-utility set.

We delivers in the stipulated time period. So, celebrate the festival with your friends by gifting them healthy yet tasteful dry fruits; that too with style!

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