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Exclusive Collection Of Thread Rakhi - Rediff Shopping

Festival of threads is back again. Thread Rakhis (The Thread of Love) is a pure bond between a sister and brother. You can select from a extensive collection of sacred Thread Rakhis at Rediff Shop and celebrate the strengthening of this emotional bonding by tying a holy thread Rakhi around your siblings wrist. Thread Rakhis are made of finest quality of soft material, silk with silver and gold threads, beautifully crafted embroidered tinsels, shimmering beads, zari, and semi precious stones. Every thread Rakhi you will see in Rediff Shop is in extremely ornate design and has a modern touch with traditional feel they are relatively lighter in weight and easy to wear, care and send to win your dear brother's heart.

This festival is all about rejoicing and strengthening a bond of love between sisters and brothers on the day of Rakhi Purnima (full moon) that take place many years ago with the practice of Rajput and Maratha queens sending Rakhi threads to neighboring rulers and even to the Mughal kings, as a token of brotherhood. When a Rakhi is tied on the wrists of neighbors and close friends, it fulfills the need of a various community to harmonious social life with peaceful coexistence of its members as brothers and sisters.

At Rediff Shop, we have numerous kinds of Rakhis. There are some collections of Bhaiya Bhabhi Rakhiwhich is also known as Couple Rakhi because these collections consist of a set of two Rakhis for both for Bhaiya and Bhabhi (Brother and Sister-in-law). There are Jewellery Rakhis, Stone Rakhi, Handcrafted Rakhis, Ethnic Rakhis, Thread Rakhis, Sandalwood Rakhis, Pearl Rakhis and many more inside it. The Precious Rakhis available can be categorized as under: Diamond Rakhi, Gold Rakhi, Pearl Rakhi,Precious Stones Rakhi, Silver Rakhi, Naka Tika Beads Rakhi, Navratna Rakhi, Rakhi with Metal Chain, Kundan Rakhi.

To get complete information on the various categories of rakhi and brands we sell online, visit Rediff Shop online for a solution to every Rakhi gift search; it is a true one stop destination for all your quests with Free Shipping and Cash On Delivery anywhere in India.
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