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Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of telephone, became the inventor because his wife was deaf and he was trying to find out a device so that people like her could use to assist their ability to hear. 'Ahoy' (as used in ships), was the original telephone greeting suggested by Alexander Graham Bell but Thomas Alva Edison decided that 'hello' was a better idea.

The essential elements of a telephone are a transmitter (microphone), one receiver (earphone), a ringer that announces an incoming telephone call and a dial for entering telephone number for initiating a phone call to another number. If you can pick the right style and age, antique telephones are good investment.
The first facsimile (FAX) system was invented in 1842long before telephone was invented. At Rediff Shop you can find a variety of brands and get some of the best deals on top products from Panasonic, Beetel and others.

Rediff Shop offers you a stunning variety (total 314 items) of telephones. They also give you detailed information on phone descriptions, specifications, warranty. These useful information will allow you to understand and compare the product better, and eventually make an informed decision before your purchase.




