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Buy Kids Rakhi - Rediff Shopping

Rakhi celebrates the lovely bond between brother and sister. If you have a kid brother, avoid settling in for a designer rakhi or a thread rakhi and go for a kids rakhi instead. Kids are extremely fascinated by the way their Rakhi looks and are likely to wear it for a longer time if they like the design. At Rediff Shopping, our kids rakhi collection includes Doraemon rakhi, Angry Birds, Chota Bheem, Captain America rakhi and so on. These rakhis will surely make your brother feel excited. Shop from our range of exclusive kids rakhi online from our portal at extremely affordable prices.

Not just rakhis, we have come up with sweets and chocolate hamper which can make your kid brother really happy. Add a box of Cadbury Celebrations chocolates to the hamper along with the kids rakhi to make the celebration complete. The designs of kids rakhis are extremely impressive and you will have a hard time to pick one from the lot.

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