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A Camera Tripod is to hold the camera steady (if it's not too windy) and will allow you to point it where you want it pointed. Still there are many photographers who complain 'tripods' are annoying-- they're big, awkward in design, slow you down by restricting your movement and are hard to fit in the bag. Yet there are times when tripods are indispensible to dramatically improve the quality of pictures that would be impossible to get otherwise.

There are few basic facts that every photographer should know about camera tripod. Firstly, any tripod is better than no tripod. Secondly, the difference between a cheap tripod and a good camera tripod is smaller than a cheap and no tripod. There are different varieties of tripods tall and sturdy (heavy), light and sturdy (short), tall and light (flimsy). Decide what is most important to you. Never touch your tripod while it shoots. Even a weak or delicate tripod will take steady image unless it is too windy or the vibration comes from the ground. Either use your cameras self timer or if you have a remote release, use it. The main thing is there should be nothing disturbing when the shutter trips.

The leg sets of camera tripods are usually made of wood, aluminum or composite. Aluminums are most common because they are inexpensive, light and strong. The downside of aluminum is that they transmit vibration very effectively. Fiberglass and carbon fiber camera tripods are lighter than aluminum tripod, strong, repairable and can damp vibration. However, most photographers consider wooden camera tripods are best in damping vibrations.

Rediff Shop Online has 41 types of camera Tripods after taking the inputs from the best photographers and hence what reaches them is a genuine product. Check full description of every item they offer. Shop online at Rediff for Camera Tripods and get the option to pay cash on delivery at an amazing offer price. Rediff Shop Online is a pioneer in helping customers get the best of online shopping by helping them choose, compare prices and get the best of their money. This is truly the online shop that you have been waiting for!

Some of the latest top selling camera tripods at Rediff Shop are: Benro Tripod T600EX with 3-way pan head for NIKON CANON DSLR, Portable 1020mm Video Camcorder Tripod Camera Stand, Mini Tripod, BENRO T-880EX Camera Tripod For CANON NIKON DSLR, Simpex 2400 Camera Photo Tripod Stand 2400, Professional Ultra Light Weight Camera Tripod, Simpex 3600 TRIPOD STAND for NIKON CANON SONY.
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