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Beat the Heat With Air Conditioners

The very first chapter of a commerce text book differentiates between necessity and luxury. It tells us that food is a necessity and car is a luxury. However, Air conditioners are defying that learning and slowly are becoming a necessity. Whether at work or at home air conditioning systems can keep you cool on hot summer days and warm on cold winter nights.

Moreover choosing an air conditioner can be very easy once you are aware of different air conditioning devices. But before you start hunting it is always advisable to be aware of technical specifications. Lets take you through key questions you should ask before buying an AC.

Need for AC

First of all you should be clear about your requirement; for example you should know about the size of space available before buying an AC. It could be any kind of space with or without window on which the size and kind of AC depends.

Types of AC

Once you know the space you get a clear idea what kind of Air conditioner would be perfect for it. There are several kinds of ACs are available in the market that are appropriate for diverse places. Window AC, Split AC, Tower AC, Cassette AC and Cube AC are the common types of Air conditioners, from which you have to make a choice as per your requirement and budget.

What is Tonnage?

Once you are clear with your requirement then only you will be able to choose from the various options available in the market, such as 0.75 ton, 1 ton ac, 1.5 ton and 2 ton. These are the common size and power variations available for domestic use. Tonnage is the measurement term that is used for Air conditioners. Through this anybody can get the idea about the capacity and capability of the device. And it is quite important to select the right size as per your room; otherwise, either you will end up paying high electricity bills or may not get the effective results.

Noiseless AC

If you are looking for low noise making air conditioners, check for the ones labelled with the quiet operation tag. Quiet operation is a standard industry term, which determines that the AC makes comparatively lower noise than the normal ones. Some of the quietest indoor units operate at a noise level of 19 dB, which is perfect for those who love peace.

To avoid all the hassle and own a quality product, find your perfect one here at shopping.rediff.com and get on-time delivery at your doorstep. Our wide range of known brands includes Philips Air conditioners, Arvin Air conditioners and LG Air conditioners. Other than this, we also offer some mind-blowing features like cash on delivery and EMI on some selected range of products.
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